All About Septic Tanks
When folks move out to the rural countryside, they leave behind them the convenience and ease of municipal sewer systems. One does not think twice about flushing a toilet, taking a long shower or using phosphate-containing detergents to do the laundry. Once you are the owner of one of the septic tanks used by those in the country for handling wastes, these will be items you will consider important to its proper function. If you are having a new system built, you may want to keep in mind that a family of three consumes in one way or the other about one hundred fifty thousand gallons of water a year. Installers of septic systems will be able to help you determine how large of a tank you will need based on your size of family and other things. You will also need to decide what type of tank you want, whether it be of concrete, fiberglass or plastic. For most folks, the concrete one lasts longest and they choose that. It is a personal choice, however. These waste tanks work on the princip...