Strange and Surprisingly Web Sites That You Didn’t Know Existed

I will keep research on internet and post more Strange and Surprisingly Web Sites That You Didn't Know Existed in this post so keep looking. 1. You’re Getting Old : This site will make you feel old, but, on the bright side, you’ll learn exactly how old. Find out how long you’ve been on this planet for. Really puts things in perspective. Check it out here . 2. How Many People Are in Space Right Now ? Discover how many people and who are they floating above us right now! Find out here 3. Falling Falling : This site will help you experience a perpetual falling sensation, both visual and auditory. Hallucinogenic drugs not included. Headphones recommended. Click here 4. Shake Vigorously : Warning: Contains Flashing Images. Click here 5. GeoGuessr : An online game where you’re dropped into a random location and have to figure out where you are. Try it out here . ...