
Showing posts from April 26, 2011

Send yourself an Email reminder

To set reminders in the future I use Google Calendar. With Google Calendar I can make sure that I get reminders sent on Gmail or even through SMS. But this is a little tedious and I needed a quicker and faster way to set-up reminders. For instance I have to call someone at a particular time, opening up your Google Calendar for that is a little tedious. This is where Nudgemail can be very useful. Nudgemail Features Register your email address with NudgeMail from their homepage. Now send in a reminder to yourself with an email. Just type in a reminder message in the body of the email and send the message to the following address. In the subject type in when the reminder has to be sent. I typed in 10 minutes and I received a reminder in 10 minutes. I could also send reminders with subject line as “ Tomorrow “, “ Nov 20 ” and more. Another way to use service is to use the different email address to set reminders. This is where I can use “ ” an...

10 Facebook Privacy settings you really need to know

Facebook privacy settings are very complicated and they allow you to tweak almost every little part of your Facebook account. Unfortunately all users are not able to configure it because of its complicacy. The bad thing is that they usually change very often, so by the time you come to slightly understand it, it changes! We’ll try our best to keep you updated with it so that your experience on Facebook would be much better. 1. Sharing on Facebook Account > Privacy Settings > Sharing on Facebook Controlling the way you share content is quite complex and will probably make your head numb. But it’s important for you to take good look at it and decide which things you want to share and with whom. By default all your content is shared with all your friends in your list, but you can adjust it according to your needs. Suppose you have 2 girlfriends and you want to share your stuff with your 1 st girlfriend for instance, then you uncheck your 2 nd girlfriends name from sharing list. S...