
For me Coffee is better than tea, with different people the choice is also different. The word Coffee entered English in 1598 via Italian café, via Turkish kahve, from Arabic qahwa, meaning, "to have no appetite," as in to have no appetite for sleep.Coffee is like a beverage, with served hot or with ice, prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant. These seeds are almost always called coffee beans. Coffee has benefits as like eating a huge amount vegetables and fruits.
Coffee is the second most commonly traded commodity in the world, trailing only petroleum, and the most consumed beverage. About 6.7 million tones of coffee were produced annually in 2000-2002, forecast to rise to 7 million tones annually by 2010. The largest coffee exporting nation remains Brazil but in recent years the green coffee market has been flooded by large quantities of robust a bean from Vietnam.
Coffee beans were first exported from Ethiopia to Yemen. Mostly through the efforts of the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company, coffee became available in Europe no later than the 16th century. The coffeehouse spread rapidly in Europe and America after that, with first coffeehouses opening in Boston in 1670, and in Paris in 1671. By 1675, there were more than 3,000 coffeehouses in England.


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