Do Poor Countries Require Aid???

Richness and poverty are such thing which always exist in all kind of society. This has been a very common issue through out the history. There has hardly been such time when only one either richness or only poverty ever had to be in any scoiety and never will be. Before we look at the matter should the wealthy nations help poor nations, we should rather thnk first why the nations are poor. The cause of being difference in economy among the nations should be identified at a beginning. Perhaps the countries which seems to be poor are not in the need of help from any other richer nations. They man have a good potential within themselves. Perhaps they are lacking the management or organization in the system or perhaps the nation has been victim of the bad system or by the effect of bad people of thier country. For example always most of the countries in South Asia stay poor country not because of they don’t have the potential but the system is corrupted of its most. A richer nation should use its efforted wealth in some other countries like Somalia, Ethopia where poverty really takes place because of some other reason. The countries where the climatic condition do not allow good agrticulture and the bad geography is the cause of disturbance in development, are the first ones right to get help. If richer nation help to all poor countries then nations never feel responsibility on themselves and the system is never to be changed and remains nation always undeveloped. This can them create problem for future generations and thus for wider society. However, the situation of providing help in the means of purpose at the time of suffering from causes like disasters, etc is entirely different. Before providing help to poor nation, developed nation should analyze first the reason of poverty and then only use its efforted wealth in the right place, right time and right situation. Otherwise the help may have negative affect on the society which may lead the nation to even more poverty in future.And at the same time the valuable weath is subject to go in vain.


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