How to remove virus?

Without the help of specific tools, even for the expert also it’s a daunting task to remove a virus. Some viruses and other unwanted software (including spyware) are even designed to reinstall them after they have been detected and removed. Fortunately, if you have updated your computer and using free, trial-period, or low-cost antivirus tools offered by many companies, you can permanently remove unwanted software and help prevent future infection.
How do I remove Virus? If you currently use ant virus software, visit the manufacturer's Web site, update it, and then perform a thorough scan of your system. If you don't currently use antivirus software, subscribe to a service and scan your system immediately.Download, install, and run the Malicious Software Removal Tool (for Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 2000 users). Note that this tool does not prevent viruses from infecting your system; it only helps to remove existing viruses.
Why didn't my antivirus software work? In you computer If you already have installed antivirus software on your system, it's very important to keep it current with the latest updates (called virus definition or virus signature files) that help the tool identify and remove the latest threats. In addition, not all antivirus tools are created equal; if you find that the one you use isn't finding viruses, consider doing some research to find an alternative.


Anonymous said…
oie thik cha thik cha .tero site improve hudai cha..congrates

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