Nepal - A Beautiful Country

Nepal is a small developing country in South Asia sandwiched between two Asian giants, China and India More than 80% of its people follow Hinduism. For a small country, the Nepali landscape is uncommonly diverse, ranging from the humid Terai in the south to the lofty Himalayas in the north. It is notable that within a very small width the elevation of Nepal increases from the plain terrain to the tallest Himalayas leading to great vegetation. Nepal boasts eight of the world's ten highest mountains, including Mount Everest on the border with China. Kathmandu is the capital and largest city. The other main cities include Biratnagar, Birgunj, Janakpur, Pokhara, Nepalgunj, and Mahendranagar etc. The origin of the name Nepal is uncertain, but the most popular understanding is that it derived from Ne (holy) and pal (cave). The Hindu culture of the Indo-Gangetic plains and the Buddhist culture of the Tibetan plateau have intermingled in Nepal to create a complex, fascinating mosaic. Nepal measures around 500 km from west to east and around 200 km from north to south. There are three main geographical regions, the terai or the plains (height varying from 100 to 400 m), the mid hills and the mountains. The land rises within a distance of around 100 km from the plains of the terai to Mt. Everest at 8848 m, the highest point on Earth. People who speak Indo-European languages and practice Hinduism mainly inhabit the plains. People who speak Tibeto-Burman languages and practice Tibetan Buddhism settle the mountains. People who speak languages of both families and practice Hinduism with many Buddhist, animistic and shamanic influences, inhabit the hills. The rate of population growth is high (around 2.3%) and the estimated population in 2006 is around 26 million. Various indigenous groups like the Tharus, Chepangs; Rautes are also found in Nepal.


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