Planning for Vacation??

Are you planning to go vacation? Then this article should be very useful for all whoever read this article. Mainly the first step many vacation travelers do is either pick up a holiday brochure at their local travel agency, or surf the Internet online and start searching travel sites for planning tips and package information. These sources are great for helping you select your travel destination, resorts, desired cruises and choice of hotels. And these sites also help you to know detailed information on the destination’s services and available tours, but chances are you won’t find in these brochures, or on many of the travel sites, currently updated political and economic situation at destination. The problem is when you get informed and you are in the way, important information you may not find is up to date information on changes in your required travel documentation for the country you plan to visit, or any major construction going on nearby your accommodations. Traveling, whether it is for business or pleasure, should be an enjoyable experience. But not for all one there are also many travelers who have bad vacation. Perhaps robbed in the way, robbed in the hotel or perhaps a careless spouse accidentally gambled away more money than they realized, or perhaps you simply lost your wallets somewhere between the airport and hotel. Here are 10 ways to make sure that your trip is a success in spite of those obstacles. 1. You should pack a small bag to carry along on the bus. While your main luggage will go in the designated area of the bus, you should pack a small carry on the bus. This will be handy for snacks, books to read, and other accessories you may want easy and quick access to. 2. You can use a hidden wallet to carry most of your valuables and identification. 3. Send mail money orders or traveler’s checks to yourself at your hotel so that even if you lose some of your money, more will be coming. 4. Don’t’ forget your medicines. This is essential. Perhaps this should be at the top of the list, but be sure to keep all necessary medications close to you in the carry on bag you take on the bus. 5.. While you don’t have to be too strict, you should have an agenda and leave it with someone at home. This way, if something happens in the area where you are vacationing, your loved ones will be able to have a fairly good idea of where you are. Keep copies of identification at home, even if you take the originals with you. 6. When you go on vacation, choose one credit card to bring, rather than bringing all of them. This way, if your wallet gets stolen, you will minimize your losses. 7. Another option is to choose a preloaded credit card, which is really more like a debit card that you put money on so that if you end up losing your wallet the thieves cannot wreck your credit rating. Bring important phone numbers with you on your trip and put them in two different places. Bring a phone number that will cancel your credit card. If you're traveling out of the country bring a phone number to reach the embassy. Bring phone numbers of close family and friends who can help you if you get into trouble and bring phone numbers of the hotel and car rental company as well. 8. You will want to have your travel insurance information. Be sure to keep a copy of your travel insurance at home as well as on your trip so that a family member can access it if necessary. 9. Bring basic medical information with you, like blood type and allergies, and make sure that the medical information is translated into the primary language of the place you are going to so that non- English speaking doctors will have no problem understanding the situation. 10. Know what kind of insurance is covered on your credit card, if that is how you are using to paying for your trip. For example, some credit cards cover car rental insurance, but May not cover it in the country is you are going to. Be sure to know what insurance you have before you leave. Follow this Step for you to make your vacation Pleaseure and enjoyable experience.


Anonymous said…
Please post more artciles related on vacation.? could you give me you email id??

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