
Mistaken All those times I thought You were right and I was wrong All those times I thought I was the bad tune inyour song. I realize I was mistaken Because I was blind in judging you I realize I was mistaken Because my mistakes were very few. It seems like you don’t know How bad one feels to be left out It seems like you don’t know the pain When friends act like You find it good To prove me wrong You find it good To hate me But my pain is something you can’t see. It was not me but you Who was wrong all the time It was not me but you A meaningless lyric in a rhyme And today I want to break free As I’ve changed into someone new I want to break free Cause you don’t deserve me Feeling lost and alone, I was trying to know Why my life seemed like an empty road. Had no reason no rhyme, like a boy out of time And loneliness stared in front of my eyes. How could I be such a fool? To lose hold on anger and break all the rules. I was searching in vain or was I playing a game? As I had no one else but myself to blame. There’s only loneliness in my world, no diamonds and pearls But I fought a lot to search out a happy world. Those dreams never came true that I saw everywhere So I ask myself were I building castles in the air. Now whenever I walk out my door, I feel this lonely heart And tears drop down and I know why it is so. And just like a flower needs rain, I need someone to share my pain. Letting a love die Lying on the seashore We use to hold each others hand We were always together Struggling on our way of love And it did not matter How many waves lapped the shore Because we had the feeling that We will be able to reach the coast But one dreadful day Or embrace was broken forever With our minds cheerless and hearts miserable We had to walk in our lone ways Saying goodbye We blew out the flame of loveforever.


Anonymous said…
Its a very nice poeam.
thank you

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