Should Paper Money Replaced by Stuff!!!

It is very much possible that the paper money and coins will be replaced by stuff like credit cards. But I do not agree that then the system will be safer and convenient, of course in some ways the society will have no risk of losing money or getting robbed and convenient in the sense that you don’t have to carry money full your pocket or bag. At the same time to create or establish such system first everyone should be educated which is not that easy. Secondly there will be a big chance of failing the system. I mean the electronic machine. It’s a technical thing that you can never trust on. Imagine a person sees null in his account while, as it had to be million dollars. One can easily die of heart attack.
Besides that people will always have tension of remembering the pin code or password whatever. I think it is easier to steal password than the money locked in your safe. Operating special might turn up their mind in bad way. There are many examples like this happened in bank.The question will arise how will the old people use their bankcards when they can’t remember even a single word. And as far as my knowledge is concerned a credit card is thing where the electronic charges are charged or discharged proportionally to the use of money or card. I have seen many people charging telephone cards illegally. Its not very big deal in such age of science of technology. I guess such thing like charging the cards illegally will take place more in the matter of credit cards than telephone cards.
Thus I like to say that such system will not be safer and obviously inconvenient because we will have to crate many more system to protect one system. There is saying that the more system you crate the more problem you have. I believe that to live in simple and less systematic way would be good for mankind and society.


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