PHOBIA - Did You Know

There are some people who afraid of certain object, places and situatui32ons, such as closed spaces, great hieghts, deep water and darkness, etc. This is an abnormality termed as ‘Phobia’ by the doctors.
Phobias are a special type of anxiety State, Characterized by specific irrational fears of certain objects are situtation. The main problem with phobias is that the victim may go to extreme length to avoid the feared objects are situation, thus securely cutting down his normal activities. Phobia is a functional illness of psychoneuroses and is based upon unreasonable or abnormal fear by common object are life situation. The main types of phobias are:-
1. A fear of water – Hydrophobia 2. A fear of darkness – Hyctophobia 3. A fear of foreigners – Xenophobia 4. A fear of animals – Zoophobia 5. A fear of heights – Acrophobia 6. A fear of large open spaces – Agoraphobia 7. A fear of closed places – Claustrophobia 8. A fear of dirt – Mysophobia 9. A fear of cats – ailurophobia


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