Your Best Offer Is Your Best Bet

Your best offer is your best bet. If you are looking to hire the best, then be prepared to pay for it. The recruitment chain of events begins with the Hiring Company. If the first offer is not the highest and most respectable, then everyone's time, resources and manpower are wasted.
There is the growing trend for Hiring Companies to insist in offering only the minimal employment package. This bargaining attitude towards human resource needs to change, as this practice has never proven effective. Excessive negotiations become lengthy and unnecessary resources are expended.
The most efficient hiring process begins with your best employment offer. Qualified candidates are attracted from the start, and the negotiation process will be kept to the minimum. Investment by the hiring company may initially be higher, although this approach far outweighs the wasted resources associated with the bargaining alternative.
Companies are seeking candidates that are educated, experienced and already employed. Be prepared to pay beyond their existing market value. Utilize Recruitment Firms if necessary, to stay informed of the appropriate employment offer. Candidates know their monetary worth, and they are aware of their intrinsic value.
Validate and respect your Staff. It is important to offer career advancements within the Company and permanent positions should be a real possibility. Look after your staff. Otherwise, don’t be at all surprised when another Company headhunts them from you.
Further supporting reasons for making your best offer:
Candidate's Perspective
- Contractors are often regarded as secondary employees. They remain outside the team and are too often disregarded and disrespected.
- As the newest team player, they start at the bottom, and are delegated jobs no one else wants.
- Forced to become tolerable, they are required to deal with much office politics.
- Generally speaking, Contractors are in a position of disadvantage.
- A Contractor is devalued further every year, and the long-term contractor has no job security or peace of mind.
- Frustration increases whilst morality remains low.
For what the Contractor is paid, it is completely unreasonable for what they are expected to deal with.
Protect your human investments
- Every year, early March brings about massive turnover. Even if one manager perceives this period to be a time of economic downturn, there's guaranteed to be another Company preparing to take full force. Companies are emerging and advancing throughout the year, and preparations for new system upgrades and expansions are ever increasing.
- Competition remains fierce amongst Investment banks, and Employees are knowledgeable of their market value.
- Investment Banks today, budget an approximately 1 million dollar to set up and comprehensively train each new employee.
- Hiring companies are offering extremely attractive packages, to headhunt new staff.
- Contracts binding Contractors are limited. It can take months of training and investments, and too often, they leave within the year.


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