Internet marketing business: How to write a powerful sales copy?

To ensure that you have a successful Internet Marketing Business. You must have high "Conversion" for your sales page. If you have 100,000 visitors to your web site but only 10 of them were making purchases, you are still not as successful as someone who has 1000 visitors with 5% conversion rate (i.e. 50 purchases). Conversion depends on targeted traffic and good sales copy. If you have low conversion rate for your Internet Marketing Business, one of the area you should seriously look at is your copy.
Any successful Internet Marketing Business must have good sales copy. There are 3 very important key components that you must have in your copy to ensure that you have higher conversion rate. They are:
1. Unique Selling Proposition.
What is your Internet Marketing Business About? That must be reflected in your sales copy. Your sales copy must have an Unique Selling Proposition. There are hundreds if not thousands of competitors out there. Why must your target audience buy YOUR PRODUCT or even buy the product from YOU (if there are so many people selling the same product)? You need to be able to articulate all the strengths to your audience. That's is not enough! You need to be careful that you are selling your benefits not features. You must first understand their pains, their concerns, their frustrations and provide them with solutions to their pains etc. You need to list down clearly how each of their challenges can be addressed and how they can enjoy the benefits your product or services will bring them.
2. Think the same frequency as your target market.
Internet Marketing Business is no difference from conventional businesses. When you communicate with your target market, you need to understand their demographics. Like what many said, heart-ware is more important than hardware or software. Understanding the emotions of buyers and communicate at the correct level with your target audience will get you going. If you are trying to address too wide and audience, you may be in for trouble. That's why most marketing gurus ask you to find your niche. You need to know their fear, their objections so that you can present your message in such away that will keep their fears in check and objections answered. For example, providing a guaranty so that you can address the fear of buying a wrong product. Sometimes customers fear that they purchase a product that is not suitable for them. That makes them think twice. If a strong money back guaranty is given, they will be more willing to take the risk since the risk is no longer there.
3. Powerful Headline.
Looks like I am putting the most important thing last. Surely, the headline is what your reader see first and it has to be powerful and captivating. Without which, the rest is useless. The head line must grab the attention of the readers. It must make them wanting to continue to read on. You need to arouse their curiosity positively. One of the very effective head line is "HOW TO .....". Things like "how to make $20,000 in a week...", "How to lose 20lb in 3 months..." are some of the examples. You should avoid headlines that are too general like "the value of quality services..." "the internet business guide book..." etc.


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