Ten power points to powerful Powerpoints

From home businesses to corporate boardrooms, from kindergartens to lecture theatres, from "My holiday" shows to "World Domination" marketing strategies, to the unfolding of the secrets of the entire universe; they all have one thing in common -- the ubiquitous Microsoft PowerPoint slide presentation. PowerPoint is the modern-day replacement for the overhead transparency projector and of course for the much earlier flickering "magic lanterns" that lit up otherwise dreary presentations in dimly lit halls around the world for hundreds of years, bringing gasps of excitement and amazement from mesmerised audiences as they were transported by incredible scenes from exotic locations, terrifying battles and improbable creatures."Face to face" communication is one of the most powerful methods at our disposal; because a large part of the message that we communicate is nonverbal, i.e. by body language, voice tones and so on. Studies indicate that communication is 55% nonverbal, 38% Tone and inflection of voice, and just a mere 7% is from our actual words!Yet despite our ability to multiply the effectiveness of our words by around 1,400%, just by delivering them personally, we often hide behind a slide show, rather than using the slide show to support our personal presentation. So instead of us boosting and enhancing our message, we more often than not end up as a projectionist and narrator behind a magic lantern show.When did you last attend a presentation that didn't have a PowerPoint presentation? But when was the last time that you realised that the PowerPoint itself added little to the speaker, or even proved a distraction?When was that last time that you gave a presentation that brought gasps of excitement and amazement from a mesmerised audience?Would you like to know how you can dramatically improve your PowerPoint show? Of course you would! So read on, and I will tell you ten simple secrets Power Points PowerPoints.With the proliferation of desktop computers and readily available software, has come a flood of people who believe that a great presentation is a simple matter.
This is partially true, because even young grade school children are often expected to be able to produce simple presentation for homework assignments. The software comes with a wealth of graphics, photos, videos, backgrounds and styles, music and sound effects, as well as a plethora of wonderful text effects and slide transitions. But the availability of all these wonderful effects at your fingertips often leads to the downfall of an otherwise excellent message.


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