
The graphic designer Peter Hewitt, founder of Tea Forte in Concord, in 2003 created the company’s signature pyramid-shaped nylon bag.
A pleasing combination of geometric and organic: tall polyhedral infuser packs, each with a disarmingly natural-looking leaf/sprout tag. Although the tall pyramidal shape is not a “close packing” polyhedron, the individual tea-bag/infusers do pack together in a variety of sculpturally intriguing ways

Creative lighting concept by Wonsik Chae imitates the form of a
tea bag.
Consisting of a cup filled with a chemical intermediate and a bag containing fluorescent molecules, the light works through a catalyst of this chemical reaction.
If you were a tea lover, the yellow submarine should be a great
tea bag for you. This small gadget shaped like a submrine. Put tea into the submarine, then dunk it in the cup full of hor water, after a while, a cup of fresh tea will be ready for you
This very idea evolved as a concoction between promoting herbal health tea and a healthy lifestyle in The House Cafe, a restaurant in Istanbul where customers are said to be health conscious.
So how do you like the idea of the tea bags with cutouts of people performing outdoor activities? It does blend very well with the thought. It was a fascinating way of serving tea at the House Cafe and it went so well with the customers that they even wanted to buy such teabags.
These tea-bags were served at the House Cafés. But after the promotion, people wanted to by them to take home
Brits may guzzle tea by the gallon, but it’s the Germans who have brought it into the wedding-souvenir fold. Hamburg-based design label Donkey Products offers the “KaTea & William” greeting card, which includes two commemorative bags of German-grown black tea. Kate and William appear on the cover of the card flanked by Union Jacks, standing before Westminster Abbey and beneath a logo that reads, in English, “It all started with a cup of tea.” On one bag, a caricature of the prince wears military garb and grins from ear to ear. On the other, the fiancée formerly known as Waity Katie wears a baby blue wedding gown and her enormous sapphire engagement ring that once belonged to Princess Diana
Sharky is a cool spin on the tea infuser that normally sits in your cup. Instead, it floats around oozing tea into the water.
Designer’s own words:
Infusion means to extract certain properties from an soluble ingredient such as tea leaves , herbs or fruit by soaking in liquid (water) until it gets saturated. So we can say that a infuser is the in charged of make this happen. This is a ludic point of view about the color given off from the phenomenon, wich makes more interesting the waiting of the whole process

Cigarettea is cigarette-shaped tea bags for people who like to entertain in a subtle way. People will give you glances of confusion as you drop a cigarette into your boiling water.
Let the Cigarettea settle, just like any other tea, and then drink down its tea goodness. It’s important to not that there is absolutely no tobacco in Cigarettea. Though, the thin tube bag shape is easier for transportation if you can’t live without tea time.
Directed by artist Natalia Ponomareva from Russia, here is an amazing project with packaging of tea bags produced under the principles of origami. The bird forms and unfolds gradually while the tea infuses.